Keeping it Green with Abbe

Abbe Turner was a featured guest on "Keeping it Green," Chris Bond's Saturday morning radio show on WINT- 1330AM, July 27, 2015. Bond is the Farm Horticulturist/ Farm Food Program Coordinator/ Instructor at the Laura and Alvin Siegel Lifelong Learning Program at Case Western Reserve University Farm in Hunting Valley, OH.He and co-host Renee Bond spoke with Abbe about Lucky Penny Farm, Lucky Penny Creamery, and a new Food Waste for Farms grant awarded to Abbe by SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education) to reduce food waste by repurposing it as livestock feed and compost on area farms.
On the radio track, queue up to -48:00 thru -40:57 to hear about LPF and LPC; then -35:45 thru -21:19 to learn about Food waste for Farms: