Our Blog

Keeping it Green with Abbe
Abbe Turner was a featured guest on "Keeping it Green," Chris Bond's Saturday morning radio show on WINT- 1330AM, July 27, 2015.

Ice Cream... Meet Lucky Penny Cajeta
“Imagine the slickest caramel sauce with that little goat-ey tang to balance all the sugar…”

Lucky Penny Reaches the Blogosphere through Sustainability
The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) has featured Abbe and Lucky Penny Farm & Creamery in its most recent blog, which is dedicated to highlighting Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) projects that support women and beginning farmers.

The Curds and The Way
Here is a recent article about what were doing at the creamery and the farm.

Heritage Radio Interview
On the first Cutting the Curd of 2011 - Anne Saxelby resumes her state of the cheese series with the state of Ohio. She is joined by Abbe Turner of Lucky Penny Farm and Creamery who discusses everything from finding farm equipment on eBay to sheep's milk.